mercredi 16 avril 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Imperia, Italy

Imperia is a coastal city and comune in the region of Liguria, Italy. It is the capital of the province of Liguria, and historically it was capital of the Intemelia district of Liguria.
The city of Imperia itself was created during the Mussolini era from two existing towns - Porto Maurizio and Oneglia and then raised to provincial administrative capital. Historic Porto Maurizio, built on a headland, claims to date from Roman times, while Oneglia which is situated in the valley of the Impero torrent is the business and industrial centre and has a more modern appearance. Tourism is still important today, but apart from flower growing, olive cultivation and oil pressing are important mainstays around the city of Imperia.
**info. Wikipedia**
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20 commentaires:

Eds a dit…

Gosh, what a place.. clothes were like decors hanging huh! Happy WW!

Take a peek on my entries:

Just Me .. Eds
* My Precious Blog *
~ Mommy LIfe ~ a dit…

Love the perspective of the photo!

World So Wide a dit…

Great shot! I've always wanted to visit that part of Italy...

Anonyme a dit…

i knew it wasn't switzerland! hee hee! :) this is a side of italy that i didn't see. happy ww!

Cafe Munchkin
Mapped Memories

Pinay a dit…

I love how you take photo,the subject really comes out.Nice shot!

distorted building

Happy WW!

Gabriel a dit…

Very interesting picture!

Here is my post for today, and here is my "Where were you" game. Do you want to play?

Happy WW!

eastcoastlife a dit…

It's awesome to live in Europe! You can be in different countries in a week. *dripping envy*

abie a dit…

it's amazing how u can trun a simple structure into one amazing picture.

mine's up too. hope u can check it out.

Happy WW!

Anonyme a dit…

Very interesting photo -- a "slice of life" in Italy.

Happy WW.

Anonyme a dit…

Interesting photo you have here :) Happy WW!!

Here's mine

Anonyme a dit…

As a person concerned about Global Warming, I'm glad to see people recognizing the beauty of clothing hung out to dry. Here in the United States, electric clothes driers use five to ten percent of the residential electricity consumed in the U.S.

If more people would dry their clothes outside, the world would be a better place. (See Project Laundry List for more details, including fighting for Right to Dry laws in various states, returning the right to hang clothes to dry outside to people who are forbidden this privilege because of their landlords or community associations).

Maya a dit…

It's really good how you took it, the colored wall give high & the clothes hanging give drama. more your infos give more meaning of it.
Happy WW!

SandyCarlson a dit…

This is gorgeous! I love it. So romantic, too.

Tink *~*~* a dit…

Awesome colors. Someday I'll get to Italy...

Have a great day!

Tink *~*~*

Anonyme a dit…

What a stunning picture! So colourful.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling a dit…

That's one of my dream travel destination :)
Happy WW!

Monkey! a dit…

Been there... i like it. I like it alot.

Unknown a dit…

Happy WW! I remember having a clothesline in my backyard when we were kids. Everyone seems to use dryers now...

My WW meme is up and running. We honor the 1-year anniversary of the tragic deaths at Virginia Tech.

peace, Villager

Barb a dit…

Ah, I remember hanging out clothes on the line when I was a young girl, they always smelled so wonderful!

Anonyme a dit…

Very interesting picture. I would to experience a visit there.

I posted my daughter visiting Europe this week.

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